Tudor Alapítvány


A human being seeks knowledge by nature

Thematic area: 
Scholarship of disadvantaged children
English name of the organization: 
Foundation Tudor
Post address: 
1132 Budapest, Gyöngyház 12.
+36 1 340 0103; +36 06 30 619 9441
Project manager: 
Havas Fanny
+36 1 340 0103; +36 30 619 9441
Project start date: 
2013. February 1., Friday
Project end date: 
2014. September 30., Tuesday
17 012 612 HUF

1. "A human being seeks knowledge by nature"
2. Improving the chances of disadvantaged, and highly disadvantaged children to tackle their handicaps, and to catch up with their peers in order to prevent dropping out. Motivating them and reinforcing their willingness to stay in education by developing their skills and talents.
3. Primary focus on grade 7 and 8 pupils, also involving the marginalised grade 9 and 10 pupils of secondary schools.
4. Informing primary schools, secondary schools, child protection services, parents, and students about the project. Selecting students, monitoring student intake, contracting with students, assessing needs and managing expectations, involving mentors, assessing progress in each semester. Group events: project opening event, project closing event. Courses in spelling, reading comprehension, communication, mathematics, foreign languages, informatics; excursions, visits to theatres, cinemas, museums, and libraries. Film club. Celebrating holidays in connection with family days. Theatre pedagogy classes. Catch-up lessons. Career orientation. Camps. Sports days. Healthy life style education. Talent. Other mentoring activities. Family visits, progress logs, following up students going on into later stages of education.