Életfa Környezetvédő Szövetség


"Small steps" - reducing family eco-footprint in the settlements of Heves county.

Thematic area: 
Responses to environmental concerns
English name of the organization: 
Eletfa Environmental Society
Post address: 
3300 Eger, Bajcsy Zs. u. 9. sz.
0636411036, 06205756526, 0636415822
Project manager: 
Bárdos Ferenc
Project start date: 
2013. April 1., Monday
Project end date: 
2014. September 30., Tuesday
11 080 920 HUF

1.1. Project objectives
Project objectives is achieve „Kis lépésekkel” project and action programmes in Heves megye (10 stettlements, 12 schools).

1.2. Target audience
Our target audience is the students of primary schools and their family, friends so we can involve all parts of the society.

1.3. Main activities
We will give theoritical and paractical advice to our target group, hold a competition, give presentations so watch the progress than on the final occasion we will evaluate results and requite the best families and groups.

1.4. Involved people
We will involve in the programme our colleague of shaping attitude and educational programme, experts of environmental advisory office and members of the Környezetvédő Ifjúsági Kör. They will help us in the first and final program and achieving 48 project programs which will hold 18 months included preparation, implementation and evaluation.

1.5. Partners, utilizing of outcomes
Our partners is teachers of schools and involved settlements. Outcomes of the projects will help familys to be more economic and environment friendly, they will get to know activities of environmentalist organizations. We will publicate a brochure on the internet which summerize the outcomes of the projects and it will help for further projects.