"Kis Túr" Természetvédelmi Köhasznú Egyesület


Save our natural resources!

Thematic area: 
Responses to environmental concerns
English name of the organization: 
„Kis-Túr'” Nature Reserve Public Benefit Organisation
Post address: 
1214 Budapest, Bánya utca 5. 3/10
Project manager: 
Sipos László
Project start date: 
2013. March 18., Monday
Project end date: 
2013. November 15., Friday
2 132 919 HUF

The aim of the 'Kis-Túr' Nature Reserve Public Benefit Organisation (Természetvédelmi Közhasznú Egyesület) is to preserve and to protect the fauna and the nature reserve value of the river Kis-Túr. In the course of the execution of this project, with different programs, we would like to reveal the environmental problems to solve. We define the agenda together. Restituting the original vegetation of this landscape, we would like to make a more liveable milieu which will cause fortunate economical processes in this region.
Target audience: teenagers between the age of 10 and 18; teachers; trade associations; environment protector civil organisations; municipalities of this region; families, and in indiect way the whole population.
One of the most important element of this project is to challenge the youths on this topic. We are going to organise a land-ecological conference which has the main task to reveal the present state, and to decide what to do. We are also going to organise an exhibition - with the participation of some other nature reserve organisations. The aim of this exhibition is to show our natural resources and to consult. We also would like to set up a litter-collecting and autochthonous tree-plantation campaign near to the river. We are planning to publish a summing brochure which will contain the evaluation of the results.
We will involve to the execution of this project many experts, teachers, volunteers and the leaders of the villages and the cities.