Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ


Motivation Scholarship Program

Thematic area: 
Scholarship of disadvantaged children
English name of the organization: 
Integrated Vocational Center of Hódmezővásárhely
Post address: 
6725 Szeged, Kálvária tér 84-86.
Project manager: 
Dr. Nagyné Bánfi Judit
30 3732440
Project start date: 
2013. March 1., Friday
Project end date: 
2015. February 28., Saturday
34 311 150 HUF

Motivation Scholarship Program
The aim is to promote the success of disadvantaged students at school and to prevent their dropping out by developing their basic learning skills (reading comprehension, learning strategies), motivation and social competence. It is also aimed to ease the transition from elementary to high school. These objectives are reached by involving teacher trainees, thus the Program has an impact on the Hungarian education system in the long run through actively contributing to the education of these future teachers. Disadvantaged students from high school and grades 7 and 8 give the target group.
A network of mentors is to be built from the teachers and teacher trainees to support the objectives. Mentors receive training and continuous supervision. Mentors keep regular contact with mentees and their parents, they offer development courses, extracurricular activities and contribute to their individual development (career orientation, exploring talent development opportunities). Besides providing financial support in the form of regular scholarships, additional resources are made available to serve the individual needs of each mentee (financing sports activities, talent development, school supplies).
Pontus Association is the main partner, due to its extensive experiences it is responsible for the arrangement and control of the mentoring work and for the training of the mentors. The other partner is SZISZSZ, which recruites the students in Szeged.