Tabulapláza Alapítvány


Local value days to protect our environmnet

Thematic area: 
Responses to environmental concerns
English name of the organization: 
Tabulapláza Foundation
Post address: 
4400 Nyíregyháza, Kéz u. 25/a
Project manager: 
Fekete éva
Project start date: 
2013. March 1., Friday
Project end date: 
2013. December 31., Tuesday
1 152 500 HUF

1. Project title
Local value dates for saving our environmnet

2. Project goals and objectives
The Tabula Plaza Foundation monthly series of events occurring fair combined with a community-building program on the local eco-friendly products to promote and changing consumption patterns.

3. Target group
The program is targeted at Nyíregyháza and area creators, producers, community (about 200-500 people) Broader target group Nyíregyháza total population (approximately 50,000 Main) Implementation is the number of participants involved: 30-50 person / day Volunteers: 5 Collaborators: approximately 10 people

4. Used methods and project activity
Activity: exhibition and trade fair
The fair, held on a monthly basis are introduced near Nyíregyháza and creators, producers
Method: Information, discussion
The exhibition of the traditional exchange of goods from the market opportunity of between buyer and seller that started a kind of exchange of information. We hope you and all the facilities were stuck to both creators and consumers, and each of the two groups with each other is inspiring to develop community programs to follow.

5. Level of involvement and activity of partners