Szövetség az Élő Tiszáért Egyesület
Creating advocacy and enhancing market viability of local sustainable economic initiatives
Thematic area:
Responses to environmental concerns
English name of the organization:
Alliance for the Living Tisza
Post address:
5065 Nagykörű, Május 1 út 1.
+3630/76-88-717; +3630/76-88-718; +3630/431-92-92;
Project manager:
Kajner Péter
Project start date:
2013. April 26., Friday
Project end date:
2014. May 27., Tuesday
19 232 928 HUF
Our goal is to promote environmentally friendly farming, local food processing and retail systems, the spreading of short supply chains by simplification of the legal system, and by helping local farmers in accession of the market.
100 environmental, agrarian, rural development NGOs;
10-15 local economy development initiatives;
15-20 lawyers, clerks / students;
227 farmers using local trade marks;
Licensed traditional small-scale producers, family farmers, consumers.
Founding an assosiation for the representation of interests of small scale producers, that will lobby for sustainable, local production methods.
Consultation service and Internet database for local economy development initiatives.
Creation of a network of lawyers for local economy development initiatives.
Assesing the farming methods of farmers using the "Living Tisza" and "Homokhatsag" local trade mark, environmental consultation, helping them to access markets.
Senior expert
Expert on the representation of interests for small scale producers
Project manager / policy expert
Law consultant
Nature protection expert
International liasion manager
Other involved experts
Data manager
Project assistant
Financial assistant
We will contact 100 NGOs to invite them as founders of the interest representation association for small scale producers. Our results will help small scale farmers access the market, make the law system more reasonable; and will be public.