Összefogás Berettyószentmártonért Egyesület


Investment in Future

Thematic area: 
Scholarship of disadvantaged children
English name of the organization: 
Champing for Berettyószentmárton association
Post address: 
4100 Berettyóújfalu, Puskin u. 48
0670/3165402. 0630/932-0432, 0630/5205906
Project manager: 
Bodnár Andrásné
0670/3165402 , 0630/9320432
Project start date: 
2013. March 1., Friday
Project end date: 
2014. December 31., Wednesday
12 941 088 HUF

1.Goal: Providing programs to help disadvantageous students start or continue their high school studies in order to successfully finish their studies, continue their studies or to get a profession. And to pass the national literacy as well as to report universal culture, the intensification of mental, sensual receptivity and moral sense. The collective development of skills, abilities, attitudes, knowledge necessary to work and learn.

2. Target group:The number of the 2 subregional primary schools’ students in 7th and 8th grade: 21 pupils
3 secondary educational institutes’ students in 9th and 10th grade: 21 students
Sum-total: 42 people/year. In 2 years altogether 84 people

3.Method and activity: With the complex project we provide scholarship-like support and programs which immediately or mediately help the young people to finish their studies. To help improve their chance to find an employment (close up, coaching, learning languages, career-orientation, sport races, artisan activities, classical music concert, lifestyle guidance, household and bank knowledge, managing money, internet usage, family life, healthy way of life). Organising self-knowledge, communicational, drama pedagogical practices, sensitizing programs, guilt and drug preventional presentations, library and museum visits, excursions, camps, clubs, cultural and other events, which help to develop the children’s social competence and participate in the development of healthy personality.