Együtt Közösen Egymásért Egyesület


"Stepping up for the future of young people"

Thematic area: 
Provision of social services
English name of the organization: 
Együtt Közösen Egymásért Egyesület
Post address: 
3078 Bátonyterenye, Dobó út 108 Dobó út 108
Project manager: 
Kékesi Katalin
Project start date: 
2014. March 1., Saturday
Project end date: 
2015. February 28., Saturday
9 720 316 HUF

Our project is based on the opinions of young disadvantage people and we are also involving them in project planning. We are really appreciating any idea regarding what they would like and also how they would like to achieve their aims. Our goal is that improving their knowledge, community spirit and also altruistic love.
We would show these young people the importance of listening and helping each other. Moreover, we would help them in their career and finding them the right position in the labour market.
With our project we would give opportunity for disadvantage young people to get knowledge what they can use in their future to change for the better social condition.
This community sites, which was made by our young section gives success of our project plan. As anyway they spent a lot of time in front of the computers therefore instead of internet games and aimless browsing online they can get more useful information.
We would share information to schools, media in terms of our plan and our services and we are hoping there will be more and more groups which would help us to accomplish and make wider our plan.