Bese Természetvédelmi Egyesület


Biodiversity supporting community based agriculture model projekt in the South-Borsod region

Thematic area: 
Responses to environmental concerns
English name of the organization: 
Bese Nature Conservation Society
Post address: 
3463 Négyes, István király u. 25.
30/584-0493, 20/991-5358
Project manager: 
Kiss Dorottya
Project start date: 
2014. March 1., Saturday
Project end date: 
2015. February 28., Saturday
2 164 638 HUF

The aim of the programme is to establish a community based agriculture model project in the South-Borsod Region. The programme is based on three main activities: vegetable horticulture, fruit gardening and livestock husbandry. Our focus is to collect and protect traditional varieties and landraces, and to support the restock the homegardens with these varieties. In consequence, our programme will be important in biodiversity protection. At the starting point five families will iniciate farming and share the tasks (production, storing and processing) between the community. The primary aim to establish the self-support of the families, but the long-term goal is to start an community supported agriculture system. The model gardens would work as knowledge and consultancy centres, and give opportunities for the local people to use these varieties again.