CSERFA Közhasznú Egyesület


"Carrot, radish, hazelnut" - adapting international experiences of community agriculture on disadvantaged Rimóc, with improving operating conditions of its school garden program

Thematic area: 
Provision of social services
English name of the organization: 
Post address: 
3177 Rimóc, Madách tér 1.
+36 30 429 22 91
Project manager: 
Jávor Károly
+36 30/ 429 22 91
Project start date: 
2014. March 1., Saturday
Project end date: 
2015. February 28., Saturday
8 461 180 HUF

The primary purpose of our project is how we shall continue the school garden program, that we tentatively operate since almost 1 year.
Our direct target group the students of Szent István Primary School of Rimóc, where the 70 % of the students are gipsy ancestry. But we aposthrophize the parents through them, and in summer holiday could connect to the program the smaller, not yet school-age siblings too. So on the whole we can appeal to the whole family.
During our project via 1 year - partly complementing the school education – we provide opportunity for the children in the school garden to be active, with directed, checked circumstances. During this period, the children become acquainted with the basics of the gardening, they get an opportunity to experiencing the joy of the done work.
The Szent István Primary School of Rimóc's management and educators participate in the project.
During the school garden education we made a documentary that is a part of the project dokumentation and contains the process of the work.
We would like to use our experiences in the education, so we made a professional study, with external advisors and the participants of the project. We would like to use the gained results in practice.
Our primal purpose is the creation of the conditions of the long-term sustainability