Képviselők Országos Egyesülete
Step by Step Integaration of Romas in Hajdúhadház
Thematic area:
Provision of social services
English name of the organization:
National Association Representatives
Post address:
4242 Hajdúhadház, Dorogiás utca 8.
Project manager:
Bernáth Bálint
Project start date:
2014. May 1., Thursday
Project end date:
2014. December 31., Wednesday
2 100 000 HUF
Our goal is to increase the level of equal opportunities, to help the roma integration in Hajdúhadház. To give effective legal and medical services locally.
Our primary target group are the disadvantaged roma people, but any disadvantaged man or woman can be our client. And of course we try to change the outlook and preconceptions of the main society as well.
Our project activities are the legal, medical, and social advising, giving free services, ordering events, make community building, publishing information brochures, and renew 10 houses to make those more healthy. Our methods are: - personal case-work, anonym case-work, field-work, negotiations. And we try to change the outlook and preconceptions by correct informations.
We involve open-minden, active roma people to the project from Hajdúhadház (they will be our local volunteers). So the results of the project hopefully can be last long.